Tag: insurance broker software

An insurance broker's job is constantly struggling with a huge amount of documentation. The day-to-day management of policies, annexes, forms, and reports can consume a significant amount of time that could be spent properly serving clients and building long-term relationships. Fortunately, modern technology solutions, such as VSoft Insurance Broker, offer effective ways to simplify and automate documentation processes.1. Intelligent document generation: precision and personalizationVSoft Insurance Broker allows you to create a variety of documents directly from within the software, including invoices or broker recommendations. These documents can be automatically populated with the relevant data, eliminating the need to enter information manually. Flexibility in creating and editing document templates is another convenience. Brokers can use standard templates, but also edit them or create new, customized ones. With special tools such as word processing add-ons and data copy tag sets, the process of creating...
Smooth financial operations are a key part of an insurance broker's work. VSoft Insurance Broker, keeping in mind the need to streamline this process, is proud to present the latest software update - an automated billing module. The new functionality has been meticulously refined and is available to our clients in the VIB system.The purpose of implementing the billing moduleThe new billing module in VSoft Insurance Broker enables efficient and effective handling of commission settlements with insurance companies. Its main purpose is to automate the billing process. It allows brokers to easily process commission files, leading to quick settlement and generation of necessary control reports.Benefits of implementationAutomation of commission billing: Streamline in-house operations and allow the team to focus on key tasks.Accurate financial analysis: A solid foundation for control reports, enabling more accurate business decisions.Efficiency and savings: Improve efficiency, reduce service costs and optimize expen...
Picturesque Mikolajki once again hosted the XXVI Congress of Brokers, organized by the Association of Polish Insurance and Reinsurance Brokers. The theme of this year's event was "Artificial Intelligence and Us," which prompted numerous discussions about the role of AI in the future of the insurance sector. For the VSoft Insurance Broker team, the congress theme was of particular importance. On the spot, our experts Anna Kurek-Płaneta, Milena Kaminska and Magdalena Ojczyk-Fornal had the pleasure of presenting the VIB program, which is an excellent example of how technology can support the work of brokers in their daily work. The congress was an excellent opportunity to meet with representatives of the insurance industry. We had numerous discussions and exchanged experiences, which allowed us to better understand the needs and challenges that brokers face. These interactions are extremely valuable to us, as they help us adapt our solutions to the real needs of the market. The XXVI Broker Congress highlight...
The insurance industry is becoming increasingly competitive, requiring insurance brokers to constantly evolve in order to meet client expectations and compete effectively in the market. The decision to choose a system to support the daily work of the team seems indispensable - but which solution to choose? And above all, what are the benefits of using modern systems? The answer to this question was provided by Katarzyna Adamowicz, owner of ARTERIA Brokerage Office - which offers insurance brokerage and consultancy services.What services does your brokerage firm offer?The people associated with our Firm have been present in the insurance services market for over 25 years. We provide a comprehensive service in mediating and advising on all issues relating to insurance contracts concluded by our clients, including participation in the loss adjustment process. Knowing the specifics of construction, manufacturing and commercial companies, we create insurance programmes with proprietary solutions. We are intereste...
The foundation of an insurance sales person's job is the contact with the customer, so it is worth paying close attention to how communication takes place, what problems occur during customer service and how the whole process can be improved. As the pool of customers grows, so does the amount of work to be done. CRM software for an insurance agent or an insurance broker can be a support for growth and the key to more efficient communication with multiple customers. This solution can not only affect the quality of work, but also the number of customers acquired and, as a result, sales statistics. How does it work? The following text explains it.Brokers and agencies - the scope of activityBoth a broker and an insurance agent are intermediaries when concluding an insurance contract. However, the difference is significant - the broker's principal is his client, while the agent's principal is the Insurance Company (IC) they represent. The broker seeks a tailor-made offer for their client; the agent's job, on the o...
Regulation 2016/679 (GDPR) and accompanying acts Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 have caused a lot of confusion in Polish law. One might think that the well-known acronym GDPR might make things more difficult only in matters of using an image or sharing information about a given personal entity with third parties. However, it turns out that GDPR has brought many changes and related ambiguities in most business sectors, including the insurance industry.  Indeed, not all legal issues have been clarified, and one such issue is the nature in which insurance brokers act - are they data controllers or data processors?  It is therefore crucial to take a close look at how data protection issues affect insurance agents and brokers.Personal data protection in insurance.In addition to the GDPR, the Act of 1 October 2018 implementing the Insurance Distribution Directive is also relevant here. Indeed, the insurance sector is one of those sectors where personal data...
The profession of a broker has become increasingly desirable in recent years. Entrepreneurs, or even individuals, more frequently decide to use brokerage services, which makes it quite a popular choice for a career path among people interested in the insurance industry. Especially since there are more and more tools and programmes available on the market to facilitate brokers' work - for example, CRM for insurance brokers to support daily work with clients. It turns out, however, that no specific studies are required to become a broker, although in fact a higher education related to the brokerage subject will certainly prove helpful. In order to obtain a license entitling to practice the profession, however, you have to take an examination for insurance and reinsurance brokers carried out by the Polish Financial Supervision Authority (KNF). This exam is regulated by the ordinance of the Ministry of Finance of 24 November 2003. How to become an insurance broker?Although, in theory, anyone can become a broker...
In times when there are plenty of offers on the insurance market, finding and negotiating an attractive policy may be, from the customer's point of view, a highly complicated and time-consuming process. It is in this situation that the assistance of a broker is invaluable, as they have excellent knowledge of the current offers and are therefore able to propose the most beneficial solution. The idea behind the creation of the broker profession is to minimise the differences between the experience and knowledge of a specialised insurance company and the consumer seeking protection. A broker is thus a kind of a liaison between the parties in the insurance process. It is also worth emphasising that a broker cannot be engaged with any particular insurance agency, which guarantees objectivity. The broker will strive to present an offer that is in fact the most beneficial for their client, instead of focusing on the advantages of the company they represent. This makes us more willing to seek their advice.Who is an...
Both a broker and an insurance agent perform their duties on the basis of powers of attorney granted to them. However, it is worth noting that these powers of attorney differ primarily in terms of the entity that grants them. According to Article 21 of the Insurance Distribution Act of 15 December 2017, an insurance agent obtains a power of attorney in writing from the insurance company for which they provide their services. It primarily defines the scope and area of the agent's activity. A broker, on the other hand, as stipulated in Article 27(1) of the said Act, obtains - also in written form - a power of attorney from the client on whose behalf they will perform brokerage activities. Persons acting as brokers or agents are obliged to make the power of attorney available at the time of performing the first act included in the scope of their duties. Thus, a broker shall provide the power of attorney granted to them by a client to the insurance company with which they intend to negotiate on the client's behal...
Annual reports in a brokerage office are a very important process that not only allows you to check and assess the condition of the company, but also to define realistic goals for the coming year. Processing data for such a long time is not one of the easiest tasks. Hence, it is important to take care of their proper collection for the year. Consistency and a meticulous approach are the keys to systematically writing down the most important information. Without good data, there will be no good reports. However, remember that every process can be improved by using the right tools.What reports must a brokerage office create?The most important and obligatory report for law offices is the report for the Polish Financial Supervision Authority (KNF ). It must include, among others, information on the number of policies concluded, premiums written and cashed and data on commissions. Therefore, creating such a file requires much commitment and checking of all the company's activities in a given time. It's best not to...