Tag: insurance broker software

The Wrocław-based brokerage office of Crafto Brokers is a place where many years of experience meet a fresh look and new technologies. We talk to Michał Batycki, CEO, about the needs of the industry, investment in development and technologies supporting everyday work.You have been on the brokerage market for less than a year as Crafto Brokers, but your experience is much longer...Michał Batycki: Our law firm is made up of people who have 20 years of experience in the insurance and finance sector. I myself have been dealing with insurance for 8 years, during which time the industry has undergone a huge change in the approach to risk, technology, as well as in terms of the range of insurance products, and even the customer experience itself. Thanks to such experience, we immediately knew in which direction we wanted to take at Crafto Brokers. From the very beginning, our strategy assumed a strong commitment to technological solutions, supporting not only the management of the brokerage office, but also, abov...
Recently, I’ve had the opportunity to talk to a person who is keenly interested in using our solution at a brokerage office. Everything was fine, the range of the system's capabilities was amazing, until it turned out that the application was in the SaaS model (Software as a Service). The interlocutor lost interest and ended the conversation with the words: "Konrad, I do not trust those clouds there, the data is safer in my desk". Well, it depends on where the desk is. But it was not supposed to be about interior design, but about why the external location of data still raises concerns. Cloud East, cloud West, home is best?Even though more and more applications and technologies operate as a service, there are still sceptics of such solutions. I don’t want to go into details of "clouds" or create academic comparisons, because that is not the point here. Simply put, if something is "in the cloud", it simply isn't "with me". Basically, the lack of trust in this matter boils down to the fact that the data wi...
We are constantly developing our solutions in the area of insurance. Two updates of the VIB application have taken place in the last month! We focused on the needs of users and the difficulties they encounter in everyday work with the system. The option to register specific payments has been introduced in the settlement panel. As a result, the user gains transparency in regard to recording of information about the payment status and policy balance. Access to information is easier and more structured. The second update is about quick access to the portal that allows the Customer Portal users to sign documents with a trusted profile. This change significantly reduces the service time. We’re trying to simplify the document flow process as much as possible, so that VIB application users will be able to gain time for other tasks. We hope that the facilities we have introduced will be positively received. Users can evaluate individual functionalities in the application on an ongoing basis, which we strongly enc...
The basic tool used in the work of many brokers is Excel. In our entries, we mentioned that properly collected and processed data in the spreadsheet helps to maintain order and organize work, but they are also a source of numerous problems. In today's article, we want to show you why we think it's not a perfect solution. Dedicated applications for insurance brokers and multiagencies are systems that are not only used to organize work and customer data. These are primarily applications that automate processes.The first reason you should definitely think about the system is because your business is growing and has new employees on board.You started with two people in the team and the mutual exchange of information and sheets was not a problem. What about the team now? The number of communication channels increases with each employee: if we have n people, then there are n*(n-1)/2 communication channels between them. In addition, you always have to take account of random situations when direct exchange of knowled...
Working with VSoft Insurance Broker, you are never alone. There are several ways by which we support your daily work, regardless of whether you are an individual client or an employee of a large law firm, which is our client. A dedicated team will always respond to your request for help. We have also posted the answers to frequently asked questions, as well as a set of instructional videos, on a special platform to which the users of our application have access all the time. The VSoft Helpdesk platform allows you to quickly learn about the tool and find answers to bothering questions in no time. Thanks to it, you will also stay in constant contact with the VIB team. VSoft Helpdesk also has the option of submitting a proposal for the development of the application or asking a question about the way of its functioning. Additional support in working with the system is always available within a special Help area. On the created platform, in specific departments, the functioning of individual areas of the system...
The traditional model of selling policies involves signing them manually and has been in use for years, but it is very time-consuming. In order to conclude a contract, the agent sends the policy by post, then the person who buys the insurance signs the document, sends it back and only then we have a formally concluded policy. Everything takes time and the individual stages must be monitored. Nowadays, there are new sales models that significantly reduce the time of concluding contracts even to a few minutes, thanks to electronic signatures. Some of the insurance companies provide their own systems for signing documents electronically. If you want to save time, it is worth checking whether the insurance company you work with provides this kind of opportunity. Another option - the simplest and available to everyone is to sign it with a trusted profile implemented by the website www.moj.gov.pl. It is enough for the person purchasing the policy to have the trusted profile. Instructions for creating the profile c...
At VSoft, we understand the challenge of handling sales and insurance. Especially if we take into account how many different types of such offers are available on the market. The VSoft Insurance Broker application will help in handling each of them thanks to specially adapted functionalities to facilitate work in the field of property, fleet and life insurance, receivables and insurance guarantees. As part of property policies, you will find a wide database of insurance items. In terms of fleet management, you can add data of even hundreds of vehicles with a few clicks and update them for resumption. Life insurance? Record the data of each insured person and write down their premium or define a general statement of the insured for a given period. For insurance of receivables, you can define the premium rate and define the deadlines for reporting the turnover to your insurance company, and the system will also remind your clients about them. The use of guaranteed limits graph will help you in handling insuran...
Operation of brokerage support to one system and automate some of the activities? In our case, you can find VSoft solution if you want to get your insurance score. See the strongest solutions and solutions that translate into quality and satisfaction that a business has. Low Threshold of Fulfillment - SaaSThe available service as a possible service is immediate immediately after registering on the site. Basic data needed to work are introductory by default. You don't have to spend time tediously from scratch. This does not come at the expense of the system painting process AdaptabilityYou provide modern, built-in and intuitive, also a range of aids: manuals and tutorial videos, Helpdesk, starting from every website on every website and all materials published on the website. ConfigurabilityPossibility to launch the system according to the needs of technical support Building an organizational structure, adding users and connecting them to servers, managing roles and permissions, building your own database o...
What is a process? Geary A. Rummler and Alan P. Brache, the authors of the book ’Improving Performance: How to Manage the White Space on the Organization Chart’ define a process as a series of activities designed to create a product or service. So, translated into the language of insurance business, it is performing various activities step by step (according to certain rules and under certain conditions), which, for example, lead to the conclusion of an insurance policy by the client. We can call them flowcharts. What other processes, apart from the aforementioned policy sale, can be distinguished in a brokerage office work? The list of processes may include, for example, a customer acquisition, after-sales service related to the liquidation of a claim or settlement with an insurance company. It is worth noting at this point that even if our company does not have uniform, standardized processes followed by all employees, the processes exist by themselves - but each person operates according to their own...
When we hear the "productivity" slogan, our first association should be the name of David Allen, an American specialist in this field, born in 1945, creator of the ‘Getting Things Done’ method of time management. Why? Because it is one of the simplest and most effective techniques for dealing with a multitude of tasks to do. The fashion for being more and more productive in the last few years is taking its toll. We often forget, however, that the simplest solutions are the best. Trying to meet all the requirements, we fall into the vortex of improving our work organization and - in order not to forget - take notes in many places - in our calendar, on our smartphone, with sticky notes attached to the monitor... turning it all into chaos, and our productivity is steadily declining. Fortunately, nearly 20 years ago, David Allen developed the art of stress-free efficient method that can be summarized in four points. Have one global to-do list. Organizing many to-do lists in many scattered places (on a piece...